Friday, February 24, 2023

February 12, 2023 - Advanced DNA Book, Programs, Sending Love to the Child in the Womb


Immediately after the beginner's course, I started reading the advanced book. On February 12th, I go through the Basic DNA book and continue with Advanced DNA.

I write in the new agenda all the limiting programs that I have identified as active and are not worked on yet, the list is chaotic and not only related to money:

- I am worthy of being loved NO

- I am afraid of my purpose in life

- I'm afraid of failure

- I hate my father

- I will find peace when my father is dead

- I know how to trust my father NO

- If I love too intensely, people leave me

- I have debts to pay

- I deserve to be successful NO

- I deserve to be prosperous NO

- I have to sacrifice my life for others

- I feel useless

- I am slow to achieve what I want

- I have to fight the evil

In the evening I take a bath that fills me with peace and joy and during the bath I resume the theta meditation and send love to myself and my loved ones, one by one, according to the command in the manual, given that the vast majority of them were children with many traumas from the fetal state. This meditation sends them love, peace and trust even if they didn't feel wanted and felt the negative energies around them at the time they were conceived.

I don't know the result, but for me the meditation filled me with peace and spiritual joy.

About money... the same... I have projects, but they come in bursts, I pay ridiculously high taxes, which annoys me. The flow of money is not smooth, abundant and uninterrupted as I wish... but moving forward...

February 11th, 2023 - I Am Working on Two more Programs Related to Money

I turn to the Creator in the Theta state and rewrite the limiting programs I discovered today:

- I am proud that I am poor;

- I work hard for any achievement of mine.

Reading in the advanced book I discover a strange program that needs to be worked on - I am safe when I perceive the truth NO. I'm working on this one too.

Results - nothing remarkable...

February 10, 2023 - I Download Feelings

I read the course again and discover a list of useful feelings related to prosperity that I download. Downloading feelings involves asking the Creator to teach you how a certain thing feels - for example, love or joy assuming that you have never felt these things and you want to know how they feel so that you can then rewrite new programs knowing what you download and understanding it better.

I download:

- I know how it feels to live in abundance, wealth, prosperity

- I understand how I must feel when I have money

- I know how to get money

- I know how to live my everyday life with money

- I know the creator's perspective related to money.

Results - nothing special. The same decent flow, but "impeded" and full of blockages of money.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 8, 2023 - I Test and Identify 3 Blockages Related to Money

 The 3 days of the course were tiring. I stayed connected to the laptop for hours, with the camera open. I felt exhausted.

After 3 days, however, I decided to start work. I just didn't participate for nothing. My most pressing problem: money. How do I start? I looked for block ideas online and started testing them one by one using the muscle testing process learned in class - yes, forward bending - no, backward bending.

Initially, I forgot to hydrate, say the programs out loud and sit facing North. I got chaotic results. I drank the water and started again.

I started with the list of programs from this article:

Money is the root/cause of all evil.

Money is the devil's eye.

Uncaught thief, honest merchant.

It is wrong to have money.

Money brings bad luck.

Better poor and clean/honest.

If you give, you don't have.

If I take money, I make obligations.

Being rich is a sin.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

You can't have them all.

You can't have both money and free time.

I have nothing to give.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Money is hard to make and easy to spend.

As they come, so they go.

You can't get rich without stealing.

Only thieves have money.

I don't deserve to have money.

Money is for the elites.

Those who have money are privileged.

It's hard to make money.

Money is strange.

It's bad to have money.

You have to have money to make money.

If I am generous with people, they will want more.

Money is never enough.

Money means power.

Money equals freedom.

Money has no smell.

The rich are greedy.

Money is used for manipulation.

People are capable of killing for money.

Money is dirty.

The money is stained with blood.

Money does not bring happiness, but it maintains it.

If I have money, people take advantage of me.

People sell their mother/country for money.

The rich, they only care about money, they don't care about people.

Mom and dad argued about money. People fight over money.

Mom and dad fought over money. People fight for money.

Mom and dad broke up because of money/they hated each other because of money. People break up over money.

You can't make more money than mom and dad.

You have to work a lot and hard to make money.

Financial problems are part of me.

If you don't have money, you are nobody.

If you don't have money, nobody cares about you.

I can't afford anything.

The rich are stingy.

If you spend, you run out of money.

The rich steal my abundance.

If I have money, people will envy me.

Love is more important than money. Health is more important than money.

Money to money pulls.

I hate money.

You sell your soul for money.

It's hard to find a well-paid job.

I am poor. Poor me.

The rich are lucky.

My mother was killed for money.

Poor but proud.

My mother hated her children because of money.

Being poor is a virtue.

Only some people are made to have money.

I am selfish with money and I am afraid of upsetting others.

I don't have enough money to promote my talents.

I feel that if I have more, I steal other people's abundance.

Clients don't want to pay me for my services.

I am ashamed to ask for money for the services offered.

People don't have money to pay me.

If I become rich everyone will want something from me.

If you have it, you have to give it to everyone.

Money belongs to the devil.

My head hurts when I think about money.

I don't know how to make money.

Money is hard to come by.

I don't think I can have money.

I am cursed to remain poor.

Only millionaires have money.

Only millionaires are rich.

The money comes only from the job, only from my husband/wife, my family, etc.

Karma does not allow me to be rich.

I can't be rich.

Something prevents me from being rich.

Something is preventing me from being successful.

The universe does not allow me to be rich.

Money is not important.

My parents are poor.

The more money you have, the more you spend.

If you give money to friends, you remain friendless.

If you have money, you lose your friends.

The rich are able to kill for money.

The rich don't care about the poor.

I'm afraid of rich people.

Money is made to be spent.

Money is a limited resource.

Money is not spiritual.

I don't like to think about money.

People are mean to rich people.

If I have more, someone else will be left without what they need.

If I'm going to have money, I'm going to lose it anyway.

You can't buy love with money.

Money slips through my fingers.

In Romania you don't really have a chance.

The government won't let you.

If you start a business, you are not successful with it.

I used muscle testing and identified 3 negative programs that I have, namely:

It is wrong to have money.

It's a shame to be rich.

The rich are greedy.

I entered the theta state through meditation and replaced them all.

Muscle testing confirmed that all 3 limiting beliefs are at the basic level (that is, they come from childhood) and I took them from my grandmother with whom I grew up. None of the 3 blockages are useful to me, so I can delete them.

The other levels where the limiting beliefs could have been found are the genetic level (ancestors and previous lives), the historical level (collective mentality) and the soul level.

The process lasted a whole evening.

The next day I felt exhausted and in a rather sad state, with moderate depression. Probably all the commotion from the course and all the program rewrites have started to stir the waters and the "garbage" at the bottom. We continue...

Theta Healing Basic DNA Course Review


The course lasted 2 and a half days, between February 3rd and 5th, 2023 and was online on Zoom. Even before starting the course, it caused me a slight state of stress. I read that we are obliged to keep the cameras open throughout the course. I did not feel comfortable with this idea, which took me out of my comfort zone, but it was the only solution to prove my attendance at the course and I understood the request. There were other people like me because the instructor insisted for a long time that everyone turn their webcams on and at the end of the first day there were still students with their cameras off. There were around 50 students in total.

Another activity that took me out of my comfort zone was the discussion in breakout rooms with other participants. During the course, we were grouped by 2, 3 or 4 in separate groups and we were asked to perform various exercises. Communicating like this out of the blue with some strangers is a bit strange, some were shy, others manipulated the discussion, others didn't feel like saying anything... in the end it was OK.

What I learned during the course:

First day - duration of 4 hours:

- the instructor's presentation, our presentation in groups of 4 in breakout rooms;

- prayer of thanks at the beginning of the course;

- discussion about the Hawkins scale regarding the vibrational level of a person;

- setting personal intentions for each student;

- a first Theta Healing materialization meditation;

- chakra alignment meditation;

- discussions about water programming and the influence of positive and negative feelings on us according to Masaru Emoto's studies;

The second day - duration of 8 hours:

- the steps of the process of entering the theta state;

- how to cut off energy, close the energy field;

- the structure of the specific Theta Healing meditation;

- the grounding process;

- entering the Theta state several times by listening to the meditation again and again to get used to the Theta state;

- example of an order to the Creator, explanation of its structure;

- what are limiting programs/blockages and how do we identify them;

- how do we delete and replace limiting programs;

- identifying the predominant senses with which each of us works - visual, auditory, etc. - exercises in pairs to rewrite limiting programs;

- muscle testing;

- exercises in groups of 3 people repeating the steps of a Theta Healing session;

Third day - 9 hours:

- work again with limiting programs;

- how to download feelings from the highest plane - what are feelings templates, what are they used for, group level feelings download session;

- the digging process to identify the basic limiting beliefs;

- visualization meditation of guardian angels;

- muscle testing;

- soul fragments recovery session;

What I got after this course:

- I gained much more confidence and courage to address myself to the Creator. Until this course, I saw this being as a much superior being, on a plane far too high for my level, a being that is difficult to reach and whom you address only in exceptional cases and then with fear and respect; after the course I gained confidence to address the Creator daily, from peer to peer and to courageously ask for various things from this being;

- I learned how to enter the Theta state;

- I learned how to ask the Creator to rewrite programs, download feelings, scan a person, energize;

- I learned to delete and rewrite limiting programs and blockages that do not allow us to manifest what we want;

- I learned to download patterns of feelings that we lack;

- I learned to connect quickly and easily with the Creator directly in the seventh plane.

The rewriting of limiting programs and blockages has preoccupied me for years. I tried with affirmations, with programmed water, with tarot cards, with meditation sessions and various introspection programs, with EFT. All difficult and time consuming. Theta Healing promises to resolve these blockages in just a few minutes. It sounds excellent. Let's see what results I get.

From now on, I have to put into practice what I have learned.

How Theta Healing Found Me

At the end of 2022, I was looking through the holiday offers of publishing houses to buy new books. I accidentally came across Vianna Stibal's books and decided to buy all 6 volumes translated into Romanian. I didn't know anything about Theta Healing, I was attracted by the blue color that I like enormously since forever :) and I remembered that I had vaguely heard about this term from one of the people I was following online - I couldn't remember who or when. All I knew was that these books attracted me and I bought them all. At that time, I had no plans to take courses or practice this technique. I just wanted to know more.

I started reading the books at the beginning of January 2023. I found them difficult, the meditations a bit difficult to put into practice only after reading the book and I decided to look for the recorded meditations online. I didn't find them, but instead I found a lot of videos of a theta healing instructor talking about how this technique changed her life. I went to her website and signed up for the newsletter. I also saw the courses and at the time they seemed expensive - they cost about 300 EUR per level.

About two weeks after I signed up for the newsletter, I received an email with an invitation to a free online webinar...but from another person, not the one I signed up for. It seemed strange to me, but I participated. The webinar lasted an hour, it was about financial prosperity, nothing about Theta Healing specifically. I found it interesting and at the end of the webinar I received a 50% discount for the Theta Healing courses held by the same instructor.

At the moment I didn't give much importance - I was hunting for free webinars.

I continued to read the book Theta Healing Basic DNA - the beginner's module and as the date of the course approached, the idea began to sprout - "but what if I participate?". I proposed to participate if I manage to collect the money in time for the course.

And yes, I received them exactly 2 days before February 1, when the discount expired. The course was between February 3 and I had to be there :) and I was :)

What Have I Tried Before Theta Healing

My path to spirituality and healing began in December 2012 when our son came to us. Then I "woke up". For five years, until 2017, I was the strange one in the family, the airhead who read all kinds of strange books and blogs. That's when I discovered Sal Rachele. I avoided telling anything, including to my husband, who told me that I scared him.

In 2017, he also "woke up" and I found the series "Ringing Cedars of Russia" by Vladimir Megre. I searched with joy and enthusiasm for that hectare of ours that we bought in the fall of 2017. Until that moment, I had also discovered the crystals and their power, but at a beginner's level.

2018 was the year we moved to our land, off-grid, and in 3 months we transformed an empty piece of land into a household, with good experiences but also many challenges. Find details about our adventure at the end of this article, in the links provided.

Since then I have followed with energy, determination and discipline various programs, in the order below, I have read dozens of books, each representing an additional step in my evolution, each appearing at the right moment in my life:

- The book series "Celestine Prophecies" by James Redfield from which I retained information about energy theft, dimensions, vibration and psychological invisibility.

- The book "The Holographic Universe" by Talbot which proves that everything around us is a hologram that we can obviously influence with the power of thought.

- The "Magic" program by Rhonda Byrne, which I first followed alone in 2019, then again in 2020 and 2022 with family members.

- Brian Weiss's books on the soul, reincarnation, spiritual masters.

- Lise Bourbeau's books about childhood wounds, books that helped me make peace with my parents, understand and forgive them - at least with my father I thought so until I started testing new programs with Theta Healing about him . I will come back with other information. The relationship with my mother has changed a lot for the better, I started wishing to have a close relationship with her - until then I kept her at a distance and considered her a demanding person, a stranger who only wants me to do what she wants. And I have a civilized relationship with my father after these books too.

- Books about the use of crystals and how they amplify our energy, I bought dozens of crystals in the summer of 2019 and 2020 that attracted me.

- The tarot and oracle cards in 2021 for which I developed a passion and which helped me find many answers.

- "A Course in Miracles" by Tina Louise Spalding. I followed it to the end, although I can't say that it had a major impact on me. It probably had little by little, day by day.

- Until 2013 I was employed, decent income from the corporate environment, between 2013 and 2015 I received the childcare allowance, an embarrassing amount, much lower than the salary, but something, in 2015 I concluded the childcare allowance which left me with a pitiful amount that I was receiving despite having absolutely nothing, from 2017 I started to recover somewhat as a freelancer and 2019 and 2020 were excellent years in terms of money. I learned to keep track of each amount received from the "Magic" program. I was relaxed and grateful from the bottom of my heart for every amount received. In January 2021, however, I discovered Denise Duffield Thomas who made me understand that I have big blockages and made me hope that I can have much more than I have. I started to read her ideas and feverishly apply them, the situation that made me have too high expectations, I was no longer satisfied with what I had, I was no longer relaxed and my financial situation became much worse. I was no longer grateful for money but wanted more - I received shortages and much less money in 2021 and 2022.

- In 2014 I discovered the New German medicine which helped me get rid of all my fears of being a new mother, in 2016 I discovered homeopathy and the Bach remedies that I learned to use by programming the water after Masaru Emoto's studies. In 2020, the remedies stoped working. I didn't understand why, I thought I had a problem. Theta Healing this year somehow explained the situation to me. When we work with homeopathic remedies, we call on energy from the second plane, that of plants (most homeopathic remedies are created from plants). This energy is powerful, but only by connecting to the seventh plane, that of the Creator, we can access energy of the highest strength, directly from the Creator. At the same time, working from the seventh plane, the healer does not lose any of his energy, being only an observer of the entire healing process, the procedure being carried out by the Creator.

- In 2019, I discovered psychologist Niculina Gheorghita's materials on neuro-linguistic programming and affirmations. I started with the maximum discipline of writing affirmations, 21 times for 21 days. A lot of work, a great effort to rewrite the subconscious programs. After months of work, I managed to download the feeling of joy by affirming "I am always joy". It was the only statement that I felt I integrated. Theta Healing downloads such feelings in a few minutes. Why did I need to work so hard and suffer? Probably because I have to get rid of the programs related to suffering, the fact that you can only get something through suffering. Otherwise I would have discovered Theta Healing earlier.

- Also in 2019, I started programming water with various positive words after Masaru Emoto's studies. I cannot confirm that I saw an immediate dramatic change. Probably everything takes time and everything fits together like a puzzle. My general vibration, after very large fluctuations in 2018, has been steadily increasing since then. I think that everything I did contributed a little bit. After all this, the level of money has remained low and unsatisfactory until now.

- in 2021 I read the book "Life and teachings of the masters of the Far East" by Baird T. Spalding - it confirmed to me that our "paranormal" abilities are real, the fact that each of us has abilities such as telepathy, self-healing, rejuvenation , invisibility and others, we just have to activate them. I started an even more active search for how we could activate these abilities. Movies like Lucy or Limitless in which these abilities are activated only with the help of chemicals can show what abilities we can activate, but I never believed that only chemicals are the solution. We are powerful beings, we just need to find our lost essence.

- in 2021 I worked intensively with my traumas and homeopathic remedies. I made lists of past traumas, with the remedies I took for each one. Homeopathy, which worked for me until 2020, now had no effect. I wrote above why. I gave up homeopathy and look for something else.

- October 2021 I understand the true law of attraction - namely that you attract what you are, not what you want. You can make as many vision boards as you want, if you are not what you want, it's all for nothing. If you don't have the frequency of wealth, you can't be rich. If you don't feel rich and relaxed NOW, you will never have money. Good discovery, but very difficult to apply. I manage to be relaxed for a short period of time, then I return to the state of agitation. Money comes and goes, I'm not happy. I feel close to my goal, one step away, but it seems to me that I am taking this last step in slow motion...

- November 2021 - I finish the Course in Miracles. During the last days I group several teachings in one day. I have no more patience, it's starting to bore me. They don't say anything new, I'm tired of repeating the same ideas over and over. Results: I didn't feel much difference. Almost everything she says I already knew... maybe she just helped me remember what I knew. I had no wow moments.

- January 2022 - Vision Board Challenge with Colette Baron Reid, one of my favorite tarot card authors. 7 days in which we discussed materialization, various techniques and methods. Without the mention "You materialize what you are, not what you want". We focused on what we wanted. The results of the exercise, very weak. I wasn't what I wanted, I just wanted some things ardently.

- March 2022 I start keeping track of the angelic numbers 1111, 222 and others. I write in a diary in which context I saw one. I can't find a connection between them, I get bored after about a month.

- April 2022 - I participate in a webinar about Atlantis. The presenter convinces me that I was there. We do a series of meditations in which the visualized images are very vivid. I see myself as an old man with long gray hair...and of course among the crystals. Possibly...I was impressed by the webinar for a few months, then I buried the experience. I have to focus on the current life, on removing the blockages. Atlantis was...

- April 2022 - I decide to implement Feng Shui principles in the house, especially the southeast area, the money area. I participate in a course, I implement all the ideas precisely. Zero result. I also buy the Money Tree - Crassula. I give up after about 2-3 months.

- May 2022 - I learn about the Silva method, namely manifestation of what you want through various exploration techniques while the brain is in the alpha relaxation state. Poor results.

- May 2022 - I start to apply the Japanese Arigato technique, that of giving thanks for all the money that comes in and goes out. Zero results. I quit after a month.

Obviously, my blockages are much deeper than the teachings from my childhood...from other lives, more than likely...

- August 2022 I participate in another seminar on money, this time held by a local numerologist. I apply all the techniques, I follow the 28-day program, I give, I donate, everything that was asked of me, I put my heart into it. It works for a short time, then I return to the state of stagnation, impotence, anger, unfulfillment...problems are obviously much deeper...I have money, but my husband is the one who he keeps the house and I am ashamed to ask him for what I want, i.e. books, crystals, Tibetan bowls and other things that do not fall into the category of basic goods.

- November 2022 - I familiarize myself with Grabovoi's radionics and numerical codes. I have been using the code for financial abundance for about a month. Zero results.

- December 2022 - I learn about Ormus, the recipe for molecular gold. I create it and use it for about a month. I feel some changes in me at a deep level, but I don't know how to describe them. At one point I make hormus with Himalayan salt, it came out very colorful and orange and I decide to give it up altogether.

- December 2022 - I buy the first Tibetan bowls with healing frequencies.

- January 2023 - I decide to buy books to read in 2023 - I find some excellent offers and stock liquidations at local publishing houses and enrich my library with about 30 volumes, including sound and vibration healing, Akashic Chronicle and Theta Healing (about which I didn't know anything, only the name caught my attention because I had read somewhere that one of the people I followed attended the Theta courses, I don't remember who and where I read, only the name caught my attention and I bought all 6 translated books in Romanian).

- January 2023 - the first book I decide to read is "The Akashic Chronicle" by Sandra Anne Taylor. I familiarize myself with visualization meditations and discover that I have some success. I find out details about my relationship in another life with my father, who was my rival for a woman (who in this life is my mother). I also find out that I have no money because in another life I had high positions and power, I abused them and took people's money. In this life, I have to see what it's like to have no money and to be afraid of the authorities. Indeed, one of my fears related to money is that when I have a lot of money, the authorities will come and take it away from me. Shortly after, I discover Theta Healing and immerse myself completely in its study, amazed by the large volume of useful information and the speed with which it solves problems...


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Monday, February 20, 2023

Who Am I and My Blockages

I'm Geo. 42 years old in April 2023. I grew up with my grandparents until I was 4 years old because my parents had some problems and had to send me to the country. Not as a couple, but other issues that I won't mention...

My grandparents were special people, I grew up in a clean and loving environment, but...

- my grandfather was at work in the city and my grandmother stayed at home alone all week, she took care of all the problems by herself. I learned that husbands have to go out to make money...this haunts me to this day as my husband does that too. And I hate that...but, it's one of my blocks that affects my ability to manifest what I want. Other than that, I have a great family and a loving husband. In the family chapter, I got what I wanted. I have a wonderful family, we are in peace and harmony. I feel loved and appreciated at home by my boys. Things have changed a bit over the past few years for my husband at work, he can work from home part of the week so I'm doing better with my blockage but it's still there.

- my grandmother was very religious... many blocks for me there, especially that it is a sin to be rich. I will mention them later in other posts.

- at 4 years old I was brought back to the city and had to go to kindergarten. Tough environment with many changes for me and many new people who obviously did not love me. I was forced to sleep at lunchtime, I couldn't, so I had to stay under the sheet because I was afraid of the teachers. They had some long, thick sticks that I still remember. I remember the white sheets and actually sweating under them... and I couldn't breathe. I still have trouble breathing at night - I constantly have to open the door and windows to let air in, even in the winter. As I sit in bed, I breathe harder, my nostrils get blocked, I don't know...

- then school... 18 long years... all my childhood I was pressured and beaten to learn well... not just well, to always be the best, to be a prize winner. I had colleagues in the class who were the children of my father's colleagues and the competition was very high. I was scolded for grades lower than 10 (A+) and I got beaten for any grade from 7 (C) below. Once I stayed with a colleague for an hour near my apartment because I had gotten a 7 and I was afraid to go home. I was always pressured to be even better, to get even higher grades, every hundredth mattered, I was always compared with the others in my elite class, I was always pressured to participate in competitions because, I was told, only graduating from some schools of the elite leads to getting serious management jobs that would have made my parents proud. And only these jobs could help me earn a lot of money and live well.

- and I learned, for years, I didn't have a social life, I wasn't allowed to go out with boys, not that I had any, I was considered a weird nerd and that was it. I didn't like many subjects in school, but I learned out of necessity, out of fear of being beaten, then out of habit. After 18 years of school, my brain was tired and my visual skills were very low. It took me years to recover and many guided meditations helped me.

- since I was little I was forced to eat everything from the plate. Even in high school I was not allowed to leave the house in the morning without an empty plate. Sometimes I would take a slice of pâté or jam with me to eat on the way to leave the plate empty. At the same time, my mother always told me that I was fat, that I needed to lose weight. I went with her to buy clothes and I always ended up in those stores where some saleswoman felt the need to remind me that they didn't have clothes in my size. And no, I was not excessively fat, don't imagine, I was normal, only that the bigger bottom compared to the smaller waist made it difficult for me to find pants and skirts. I was not fat, I was not obese, I was normal.

- my mother always wanted me to be very elegant, to always dress in fashion, to be beautiful. This desire hid many of her traumas and lessons learned in relation to men who only love beautiful, well-groomed and elegant women. I wasn't like that, I wasn't attracted to very elegant clothes, it seemed to me (and still seems to me) a waste of time to always sit and arrange myself. And best of all, my husband appreciates beauty and elegance, but he never pressures me and loves me as I am. He is not excessively arranged and elegant either. We feel very good together, as we are. I never felt any pressure from him and he always appreciated me for me, I always felt at ease with him, we are soul mates (when we met for the first time we both felt that we had known each other for a long time before). The constant pressure and criticism of my mother about the way I look combined with those of my father about my school performance led to a very low self-esteem. I know I'm an intelligent person, I rarely disappointed them academically speaking, I graduated from elite schools, I got the job of corporate manager they wanted for me, but my self-esteem is very low. Even at this age.

- I see my body as ugly despite what my husband constantly tells me. He sees me as beautiful. And he sees himself as ugly and I see him as beautiful. After the pregnancy and the baby, my body got even worse. I avoid looking in the mirror too much. I'm not overweight, I didn't put on any extra weight after pregnancy, but I always see myself ugly, unkempt, with an ugly belly and dry hair, rare and sad. My only qualities that I recognize are intelligence, organization, prioritization, the ability to make decisions quickly, to make things work, creativity, the ability to always put new projects in motion, the ability to be a leader. I have a lot of energy and I do a lot. But I avoid the mirror.

- I have been working full time since college. I worked from 7.30 to 15.30 then from 16.00 to 21.00 I was at the university. By the time I finished college, I was already a human resources specialist with a year and a half of experience. I was poorly paid, but I worked with good people who respected my work. For 10 years, I changed better and better jobs in the same field, more responsibilities, more to learn, but with pay below the level I felt I would have liked to be at.

- my biggest obstacle is money. Yes, the body would be nice to look good too, but I don't care about it too much. It's like a flannel sweater that keeps you warm. It's not nice, you don't go to a fancy party with it, but it keeps you warm when you need it. So is my body. It's ugly, but it helps me do things. It helps me to move, to solve things. Before our son came, I was a corporate manager. Although I worked a lot, I had great responsibilities, I was always that unproductive department that always had to be behind when salary increases were made. I had a good salary, but always below the level at which I would have liked to be paid.

- the disaster came when I decided to stay at home with the child and quit my job. I saw what it means to have an empty card and ask your husband for money for any small thing you need. And I could have worked from home, I had jobs and projects, but I couldn't because of the little one. I had become a wreck, unwashed, uncombed, sad, depressed, among piles of dirty diapers, without money... but with a college and master's degree, with a mind full of projects, but tied hands and feet and with a rock around my neck. That's how I felt...

- now our son is already grown up, he is an extraordinary child, he learns extraordinarily fast, we work together, we understand each other differently, he lets me work, he also sits next to me and learns everything he sees...but since I gave up that serious job, the money comes hard, in trances, as if it came through a hose clogged with ice plugs. I earn even better than before as a corporate manager, but sometimes I earn a lot, sometimes not at all and I never have all the money I want when I want it. A lot of blockages here, many, many things... this is where I will start working with theta healing. I have many sources of income, passive about 15, I'm not exaggerating, they are all set up well, I spent a lot of time and learned a lot by myself to set them all up, but they all go hard, in episodes, with blockages, just like a hose with ice pieces inside...

I think I have told you enough. I will write further what I tried in the last years, before Theta Healing and how everything went.

Have a nice day and all the best,


February 14, 2023 - I work Previously Identified Programs

  In the morning I work: I fear failure I deserve to be successful NO I deserve to be prosperous NO Only men earn money Men earn money only ...