My path to spirituality and healing began in December 2012 when our son came to us. Then I "woke up". For five years, until 2017, I was the strange one in the family, the airhead who read all kinds of strange books and blogs. That's when I discovered Sal Rachele. I avoided telling anything, including to my husband, who told me that I scared him.
In 2017, he also "woke up" and I found the series "Ringing Cedars of Russia" by Vladimir Megre. I searched with joy and enthusiasm for that hectare of ours that we bought in the fall of 2017. Until that moment, I had also discovered the crystals and their power, but at a beginner's level.
2018 was the year we moved to our land, off-grid, and in 3 months we transformed an empty piece of land into a household, with good experiences but also many challenges. Find details about our adventure at the end of this article, in the links provided.
Since then I have followed with energy, determination and discipline various programs, in the order below, I have read dozens of books, each representing an additional step in my evolution, each appearing at the right moment in my life:
- The book series "Celestine Prophecies" by James Redfield from which I retained information about energy theft, dimensions, vibration and psychological invisibility.
- The book "The Holographic Universe" by Talbot which proves that everything around us is a hologram that we can obviously influence with the power of thought.
- The "Magic" program by Rhonda Byrne, which I first followed alone in 2019, then again in 2020 and 2022 with family members.
- Brian Weiss's books on the soul, reincarnation, spiritual masters.
- Lise Bourbeau's books about childhood wounds, books that helped me make peace with my parents, understand and forgive them - at least with my father I thought so until I started testing new programs with Theta Healing about him . I will come back with other information. The relationship with my mother has changed a lot for the better, I started wishing to have a close relationship with her - until then I kept her at a distance and considered her a demanding person, a stranger who only wants me to do what she wants. And I have a civilized relationship with my father after these books too.
- Books about the use of crystals and how they amplify our energy, I bought dozens of crystals in the summer of 2019 and 2020 that attracted me.
- The tarot and oracle cards in 2021 for which I developed a passion and which helped me find many answers.
- "A Course in Miracles" by Tina Louise Spalding. I followed it to the end, although I can't say that it had a major impact on me. It probably had little by little, day by day.
- Until 2013 I was employed, decent income from the corporate environment, between 2013 and 2015 I received the childcare allowance, an embarrassing amount, much lower than the salary, but something, in 2015 I concluded the childcare allowance which left me with a pitiful amount that I was receiving despite having absolutely nothing, from 2017 I started to recover somewhat as a freelancer and 2019 and 2020 were excellent years in terms of money. I learned to keep track of each amount received from the "Magic" program. I was relaxed and grateful from the bottom of my heart for every amount received. In January 2021, however, I discovered Denise Duffield Thomas who made me understand that I have big blockages and made me hope that I can have much more than I have. I started to read her ideas and feverishly apply them, the situation that made me have too high expectations, I was no longer satisfied with what I had, I was no longer relaxed and my financial situation became much worse. I was no longer grateful for money but wanted more - I received shortages and much less money in 2021 and 2022.
- In 2014 I discovered the New German medicine which helped me get rid of all my fears of being a new mother, in 2016 I discovered homeopathy and the Bach remedies that I learned to use by programming the water after Masaru Emoto's studies. In 2020, the remedies stoped working. I didn't understand why, I thought I had a problem. Theta Healing this year somehow explained the situation to me. When we work with homeopathic remedies, we call on energy from the second plane, that of plants (most homeopathic remedies are created from plants). This energy is powerful, but only by connecting to the seventh plane, that of the Creator, we can access energy of the highest strength, directly from the Creator. At the same time, working from the seventh plane, the healer does not lose any of his energy, being only an observer of the entire healing process, the procedure being carried out by the Creator.
- In 2019, I discovered psychologist Niculina Gheorghita's materials on neuro-linguistic programming and affirmations. I started with the maximum discipline of writing affirmations, 21 times for 21 days. A lot of work, a great effort to rewrite the subconscious programs. After months of work, I managed to download the feeling of joy by affirming "I am always joy". It was the only statement that I felt I integrated. Theta Healing downloads such feelings in a few minutes. Why did I need to work so hard and suffer? Probably because I have to get rid of the programs related to suffering, the fact that you can only get something through suffering. Otherwise I would have discovered Theta Healing earlier.
- Also in 2019, I started programming water with various positive words after Masaru Emoto's studies. I cannot confirm that I saw an immediate dramatic change. Probably everything takes time and everything fits together like a puzzle. My general vibration, after very large fluctuations in 2018, has been steadily increasing since then. I think that everything I did contributed a little bit. After all this, the level of money has remained low and unsatisfactory until now.
- in 2021 I read the book "Life and teachings of the masters of the Far East" by Baird T. Spalding - it confirmed to me that our "paranormal" abilities are real, the fact that each of us has abilities such as telepathy, self-healing, rejuvenation , invisibility and others, we just have to activate them. I started an even more active search for how we could activate these abilities. Movies like Lucy or Limitless in which these abilities are activated only with the help of chemicals can show what abilities we can activate, but I never believed that only chemicals are the solution. We are powerful beings, we just need to find our lost essence.
- in 2021 I worked intensively with my traumas and homeopathic remedies. I made lists of past traumas, with the remedies I took for each one. Homeopathy, which worked for me until 2020, now had no effect. I wrote above why. I gave up homeopathy and look for something else.
- October 2021 I understand the true law of attraction - namely that you attract what you are, not what you want. You can make as many vision boards as you want, if you are not what you want, it's all for nothing. If you don't have the frequency of wealth, you can't be rich. If you don't feel rich and relaxed NOW, you will never have money. Good discovery, but very difficult to apply. I manage to be relaxed for a short period of time, then I return to the state of agitation. Money comes and goes, I'm not happy. I feel close to my goal, one step away, but it seems to me that I am taking this last step in slow motion...
- November 2021 - I finish the Course in Miracles. During the last days I group several teachings in one day. I have no more patience, it's starting to bore me. They don't say anything new, I'm tired of repeating the same ideas over and over. Results: I didn't feel much difference. Almost everything she says I already knew... maybe she just helped me remember what I knew. I had no wow moments.
- January 2022 - Vision Board Challenge with Colette Baron Reid, one of my favorite tarot card authors. 7 days in which we discussed materialization, various techniques and methods. Without the mention "You materialize what you are, not what you want". We focused on what we wanted. The results of the exercise, very weak. I wasn't what I wanted, I just wanted some things ardently.
- March 2022 I start keeping track of the angelic numbers 1111, 222 and others. I write in a diary in which context I saw one. I can't find a connection between them, I get bored after about a month.
- April 2022 - I participate in a webinar about Atlantis. The presenter convinces me that I was there. We do a series of meditations in which the visualized images are very vivid. I see myself as an old man with long gray hair...and of course among the crystals. Possibly...I was impressed by the webinar for a few months, then I buried the experience. I have to focus on the current life, on removing the blockages. Atlantis was...
- April 2022 - I decide to implement Feng Shui principles in the house, especially the southeast area, the money area. I participate in a course, I implement all the ideas precisely. Zero result. I also buy the Money Tree - Crassula. I give up after about 2-3 months.
- May 2022 - I learn about the Silva method, namely manifestation of what you want through various exploration techniques while the brain is in the alpha relaxation state. Poor results.
- May 2022 - I start to apply the Japanese Arigato technique, that of giving thanks for all the money that comes in and goes out. Zero results. I quit after a month.
Obviously, my blockages are much deeper than the teachings from my childhood...from other lives, more than likely...
- August 2022 I participate in another seminar on money, this time held by a local numerologist. I apply all the techniques, I follow the 28-day program, I give, I donate, everything that was asked of me, I put my heart into it. It works for a short time, then I return to the state of stagnation, impotence, anger, unfulfillment...problems are obviously much deeper...I have money, but my husband is the one who he keeps the house and I am ashamed to ask him for what I want, i.e. books, crystals, Tibetan bowls and other things that do not fall into the category of basic goods.
- November 2022 - I familiarize myself with Grabovoi's radionics and numerical codes. I have been using the code for financial abundance for about a month. Zero results.
- December 2022 - I learn about Ormus, the recipe for molecular gold. I create it and use it for about a month. I feel some changes in me at a deep level, but I don't know how to describe them. At one point I make hormus with Himalayan salt, it came out very colorful and orange and I decide to give it up altogether.
- December 2022 - I buy the first Tibetan bowls with healing frequencies.
- January 2023 - I decide to buy books to read in 2023 - I find some excellent offers and stock liquidations at local publishing houses and enrich my library with about 30 volumes, including sound and vibration healing, Akashic Chronicle and Theta Healing (about which I didn't know anything, only the name caught my attention because I had read somewhere that one of the people I followed attended the Theta courses, I don't remember who and where I read, only the name caught my attention and I bought all 6 translated books in Romanian).
- January 2023 - the first book I decide to read is "The Akashic Chronicle" by Sandra Anne Taylor. I familiarize myself with visualization meditations and discover that I have some success. I find out details about my relationship in another life with my father, who was my rival for a woman (who in this life is my mother). I also find out that I have no money because in another life I had high positions and power, I abused them and took people's money. In this life, I have to see what it's like to have no money and to be afraid of the authorities. Indeed, one of my fears related to money is that when I have a lot of money, the authorities will come and take it away from me. Shortly after, I discover Theta Healing and immerse myself completely in its study, amazed by the large volume of useful information and the speed with which it solves problems...
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