Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Theta Healing Basic DNA Course Review


The course lasted 2 and a half days, between February 3rd and 5th, 2023 and was online on Zoom. Even before starting the course, it caused me a slight state of stress. I read that we are obliged to keep the cameras open throughout the course. I did not feel comfortable with this idea, which took me out of my comfort zone, but it was the only solution to prove my attendance at the course and I understood the request. There were other people like me because the instructor insisted for a long time that everyone turn their webcams on and at the end of the first day there were still students with their cameras off. There were around 50 students in total.

Another activity that took me out of my comfort zone was the discussion in breakout rooms with other participants. During the course, we were grouped by 2, 3 or 4 in separate groups and we were asked to perform various exercises. Communicating like this out of the blue with some strangers is a bit strange, some were shy, others manipulated the discussion, others didn't feel like saying anything... in the end it was OK.

What I learned during the course:

First day - duration of 4 hours:

- the instructor's presentation, our presentation in groups of 4 in breakout rooms;

- prayer of thanks at the beginning of the course;

- discussion about the Hawkins scale regarding the vibrational level of a person;

- setting personal intentions for each student;

- a first Theta Healing materialization meditation;

- chakra alignment meditation;

- discussions about water programming and the influence of positive and negative feelings on us according to Masaru Emoto's studies;

The second day - duration of 8 hours:

- the steps of the process of entering the theta state;

- how to cut off energy, close the energy field;

- the structure of the specific Theta Healing meditation;

- the grounding process;

- entering the Theta state several times by listening to the meditation again and again to get used to the Theta state;

- example of an order to the Creator, explanation of its structure;

- what are limiting programs/blockages and how do we identify them;

- how do we delete and replace limiting programs;

- identifying the predominant senses with which each of us works - visual, auditory, etc. - exercises in pairs to rewrite limiting programs;

- muscle testing;

- exercises in groups of 3 people repeating the steps of a Theta Healing session;

Third day - 9 hours:

- work again with limiting programs;

- how to download feelings from the highest plane - what are feelings templates, what are they used for, group level feelings download session;

- the digging process to identify the basic limiting beliefs;

- visualization meditation of guardian angels;

- muscle testing;

- soul fragments recovery session;

What I got after this course:

- I gained much more confidence and courage to address myself to the Creator. Until this course, I saw this being as a much superior being, on a plane far too high for my level, a being that is difficult to reach and whom you address only in exceptional cases and then with fear and respect; after the course I gained confidence to address the Creator daily, from peer to peer and to courageously ask for various things from this being;

- I learned how to enter the Theta state;

- I learned how to ask the Creator to rewrite programs, download feelings, scan a person, energize;

- I learned to delete and rewrite limiting programs and blockages that do not allow us to manifest what we want;

- I learned to download patterns of feelings that we lack;

- I learned to connect quickly and easily with the Creator directly in the seventh plane.

The rewriting of limiting programs and blockages has preoccupied me for years. I tried with affirmations, with programmed water, with tarot cards, with meditation sessions and various introspection programs, with EFT. All difficult and time consuming. Theta Healing promises to resolve these blockages in just a few minutes. It sounds excellent. Let's see what results I get.

From now on, I have to put into practice what I have learned.

February 14, 2023 - I work Previously Identified Programs

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