The 3 days of the course were tiring. I stayed connected to the laptop for hours, with the camera open. I felt exhausted.
After 3 days, however, I decided to start work. I just didn't participate for nothing. My most pressing problem: money. How do I start? I looked for block ideas online and started testing them one by one using the muscle testing process learned in class - yes, forward bending - no, backward bending.
Initially, I forgot to hydrate, say the programs out loud and sit facing North. I got chaotic results. I drank the water and started again.
I started with the list of programs from this article:
Money is the root/cause of all evil.
Money is the devil's eye.
Uncaught thief, honest merchant.
It is wrong to have money.
Money brings bad luck.
Better poor and clean/honest.
If you give, you don't have.
If I take money, I make obligations.
Being rich is a sin.
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."
You can't have them all.
You can't have both money and free time.
I have nothing to give.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
Money is hard to make and easy to spend.
As they come, so they go.
You can't get rich without stealing.
Only thieves have money.
I don't deserve to have money.
Money is for the elites.
Those who have money are privileged.
It's hard to make money.
Money is strange.
It's bad to have money.
You have to have money to make money.
If I am generous with people, they will want more.
Money is never enough.
Money means power.
Money equals freedom.
Money has no smell.
The rich are greedy.
Money is used for manipulation.
People are capable of killing for money.
Money is dirty.
The money is stained with blood.
Money does not bring happiness, but it maintains it.
If I have money, people take advantage of me.
People sell their mother/country for money.
The rich, they only care about money, they don't care about people.
Mom and dad argued about money. People fight over money.
Mom and dad fought over money. People fight for money.
Mom and dad broke up because of money/they hated each other because of money. People break up over money.
You can't make more money than mom and dad.
You have to work a lot and hard to make money.
Financial problems are part of me.
If you don't have money, you are nobody.
If you don't have money, nobody cares about you.
I can't afford anything.
The rich are stingy.
If you spend, you run out of money.
The rich steal my abundance.
If I have money, people will envy me.
Love is more important than money. Health is more important than money.
Money to money pulls.
I hate money.
You sell your soul for money.
It's hard to find a well-paid job.
I am poor. Poor me.
The rich are lucky.
My mother was killed for money.
Poor but proud.
My mother hated her children because of money.
Being poor is a virtue.
Only some people are made to have money.
I am selfish with money and I am afraid of upsetting others.
I don't have enough money to promote my talents.
I feel that if I have more, I steal other people's abundance.
Clients don't want to pay me for my services.
I am ashamed to ask for money for the services offered.
People don't have money to pay me.
If I become rich everyone will want something from me.
If you have it, you have to give it to everyone.
Money belongs to the devil.
My head hurts when I think about money.
I don't know how to make money.
Money is hard to come by.
I don't think I can have money.
I am cursed to remain poor.
Only millionaires have money.
Only millionaires are rich.
The money comes only from the job, only from my husband/wife, my family, etc.
Karma does not allow me to be rich.
I can't be rich.
Something prevents me from being rich.
Something is preventing me from being successful.
The universe does not allow me to be rich.
Money is not important.
My parents are poor.
The more money you have, the more you spend.
If you give money to friends, you remain friendless.
If you have money, you lose your friends.
The rich are able to kill for money.
The rich don't care about the poor.
I'm afraid of rich people.
Money is made to be spent.
Money is a limited resource.
Money is not spiritual.
I don't like to think about money.
People are mean to rich people.
If I have more, someone else will be left without what they need.
If I'm going to have money, I'm going to lose it anyway.
You can't buy love with money.
Money slips through my fingers.
In Romania you don't really have a chance.
The government won't let you.
If you start a business, you are not successful with it.
I used muscle testing and identified 3 negative programs that I have, namely:
It is wrong to have money.
It's a shame to be rich.
The rich are greedy.
I entered the theta state through meditation and replaced them all.
Muscle testing confirmed that all 3 limiting beliefs are at the basic level (that is, they come from childhood) and I took them from my grandmother with whom I grew up. None of the 3 blockages are useful to me, so I can delete them.
The other levels where the limiting beliefs could have been found are the genetic level (ancestors and previous lives), the historical level (collective mentality) and the soul level.
The process lasted a whole evening.
The next day I felt exhausted and in a rather sad state, with moderate depression. Probably all the commotion from the course and all the program rewrites have started to stir the waters and the "garbage" at the bottom. We continue...